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Embracing the bright side of Breast Cancer

Entering this week with an immense sense of gratitude. One of the things I am most grateful for about cancer (yes, there are many things believe it or not), is the different perspective it gives you when prioritizing what truly matters in life.

I believe that in my adult life, the last three years have been the most transformative when it comes to becoming the woman I have always dreamed to be. I am aware that I have a whole life ahead of me and that there is much more to learn and improve upon, but this is the first moment in my entire life where I have taken a step back and surrendered with gratitude for all the blessings that are in my life.

I have loved the hardest during this time and while heart break has also followed, it is the difference of how I have responded to those unavoidable moments, that I am particularly proud of.

Coming from a place of kindness in ALL situations ain't easy and I am no Mother Teresa lol but it is a skill that has allowed me to get to push to vulnerable places in my relationships. I need to go to a deep place in order to make a real connection. It has also allowed me to better accept (better being the magic word here) when things go differently than I had envisioned.

It also continuously helps me check my ego, understanding that a bruised ego shouldn’t take you steps back from the growth you work on every single day. Human connections come into your life for a reason and/or a moment, and the same is true in scenarios where they also exit your life. As someone who had a challenging relationship with my mother, this was always a trigger. The moment any relationship would go south, I would mourn them quite intensely. Any form of rejection would take me back to the rollercoaster I experienced with my mother and the sense of feeling alone AND lonely.

I am so grateful for all that life has given me, the laughs, the smiles, the anger, and the tears because all that makes me who I am. I am now valuing all that I bring to the table and if I am true to myself and come from a place of kindness, I will always benefit from it no matter the outcome.

So go outside today. Take a deep breath. Enjoy the air. Embrace the sun rays. Its Monday and the fact that you are here to tell your story is enough of a reason to celebrate.

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